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Plant Smiles Greenery

Episcia (Flame Violet) 4 inch

Regular price $12.00 USD
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To care for an Episcia plant indoors, provide bright, indirect light and water regularly, ensuring the soil is moist but not soggy, allowing the top layer to dry slightly between waterings; avoid getting water directly on the leaves and consider bottom watering to prevent leaf damage; maintain a warm, humid environment. 

Key points about Episcia light and water care:
Place in a location with bright, indirect light, like an east or west facing window; direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. 
Water when the top inch of soil feels slightly dry, using room temperature water; bottom watering is often preferred to avoid getting water on the leaves. 
Episcias thrive in high humidity, so consider misting regularly or placing the pot on a pebble tray with water.